So, the fact that the travel section is the first thing I see when I open the Inquirer this morning (Saturday, not Sunday, which has always sort of subtly baffled me. Why is it called the Sunday paper if it comes on Saturday?) must be a sign. I just now recognize that I really enjoy newspapers- it is a simple thing in life that we should really enjoy. Right now, life is good. It is early Saturday morning. The sun is shining down on top of the red, yellow and green leaves outside of my window, illuminating the true beauty of the fall season. It is chilly outside, but there is a certain crispness in the air that makes it OK. Almost pleasurable. I am in my living room, curled up with a warm blanket on top of me, sipping my Folgers (which, admittedly, is a little on the bitter side this morning, but I'm dealing). I just threw a load of laundry in out of obligation to "life," but am really enjoying being alone right now...taking in the scenery around me. I feel like maybe there should be a hay bale somewhere to complete the look. Newspapers and colorful leaves... I think those things fall into every category of the above in my blog. It is serene for the feelings that it evokes of is simple because, well, they are things we often go through life and take for granted. There is passion because, obviously, the newspaper has the travel section! There is beauty through the art of it all...and it is just simply a part of our daily lives. I love the leaves! I love the fall weather! I loooooooooooooooooooove black and white printed pages!!! I'm in love with life, this beautiful morning! (Oh, and I guess I COULD mention that I hung out with Bam and Bam's cousin last night at a bar in West Chester. The cousin wants me to come to a party tonight, but ...ehh... not so sure. I wasn't all that impressed. Leaves are much more interesting to bother writing about!)
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